Monday, May 25, 2015

“I am the gate; I am the Good Shepherd. I am the way, the truth, the life” (Jn6:9, 10, Jn14:6)

Before Jesus, the Son of God, entered the world as man who was also God, the world, its inhabitants, its resources, its very life was dead in sin. Sin brought about by man thinking he was God, brought by the false reasoning of Adam, committed man to a life of darkness and error.

Jesus Christ came, putting man back into right relationship with God by His loving forgiveness. Mankind through Christ's message, actions, grace, was now able to become fully human as God had intended.

Before Jesus, man put up barriers (fences) designed by reason and self-seeking interests to keep the sheep (man) aloof from other men-men who were not like the other sheep (men). The hired man and the wolf cared not for all the sheep; therefore they disrupted the sheep (man) from their intended purpose, which God had intended. Man was prevented from truly understanding God and the purpose for which man had been created. God's plan for man, His intended purpose for man was unable to unfold. Jesus is the gate; He is the Good Shepherd which opens the gate for man to return (repent) and follow the Father's intended purpose for man. Old prejudices, old ways of thought, old barriers to an open heart to hear the Good Shepherd with His message from God His Father must die, be forgotten, to attain for man new life, new hearts full of God's love and His words of attaining eternal life.

Christ says turn away from your past misconceptions; listen carefully to my words and see my acts of love for you. If you love and believe in me, you know I want you to follow my Father's will on this earth- I want you to begin here on this earth to eternalize life, to begin to have eternal life here on earth and join me and the Father in eternal life. If you love me your life will be open to receiving my love and you will open your hearts to loving one another in all your actions. Your love for me will then be extended to all you meet and by this love all will come together in loving and eternal life. You will understand your role in my plan and by your love surrender animosity, hatred, anger, malice. (Ep4:31-32) Our lives replace darkness with compassion, forgiveness, kindness, humility, gentleness, patience. (Col3:12) There will be no rest because when one does all things in love, ”He rests in me and I in Him.”

”The Good Shepherd recognizes us by name as individuals; He gives everything one needs to fulfill the work He has given ;He gives us grace and sacraments; He gives one peace and strength to continue Christ’s mission on earth- so that all men may know the Lord and His will and be one flock in mind and heart.
“Remain in my love.” (Jn15:9)

Love expresses the tangible presence of Christ; not in words of affection- it is seen in actions, God’s actions and man’s actions. The pinnacle action of love of Christ for man and the Father is shown in His dying on the cross. Man shows his love for God in following His Divine Will.

Jesus invites, “Come and see.” (Mt19:21) He respects our freedom; love demands risk; it demands a response, a decision, a choice, an act of our will. It also demands carrying out of actions which are pleasing to Him; a process of letting go of self, committing to Someone greater than ourselves. It is the shedding of parts of self the way a snake sheds an old skin. It is an act of humility- letting go of pride, self-importance and self-reliance, self -righteousness. It is not easy; it is not selective; it is not abstract. It is a question Jesus asks the rich man: “What do you seek?”

Little by little the Lord asks us to relinquish “I” the ego of self, until the self is purged. To relinquish her children up to God may be a woman’s largest choice. He asks her to give up her ideas of what SHE would like them to become and instead must let them rest in God’s hands of mercy. A man may be asked to let go of his ambition, of work success. Work, in the eyes of the world, is his status, his identity. Christ asks man to re-examine what drives him in his work- prestige, power, possessions? There is a cost to follow Jesus. Sometimes achievement has a way of blinding one to one’s true destiny; true commitment means following a road not well traveled by the world. When Love has filled all the empty spaces of one’s heart and life, then God becomes top priority.

There is a certain spectacular freedom in letting oneself completely love Love. It makes one feel powerful even in surrender; strong, even in weakness; hope, even in suffering- a different person from the person before LOVE. Purifying oneself does mean rebirth, a new mutual love; it is love from a pure heart. (1Peter1:22-24). It means I remain in Him and He remains in me.
"So the Lord Jesus after he spoke to them was taken up unto heaven and took his seat at the right hand of God. (Mark16:18)

The Risen Jesus returns to the Father. He enters into His divine glory, His exalted glory. Hidden from human eyes, he carries in His divine nature the scars of His suffering for man. Thus, man's dignity is raised into being with the Father. Abiding in the Triune God, Jesus gives man the promise he is going ahead to prepare a place for man. He is sending man the Holy Spirit to intensify man's yearning for unity and rest in God.

One of the worst things about death of a love one whom we will no longer see in this life is not being able to talk things over with them, to have questions asked and answered. We cannot touch our loved one to bring him back into this world. Yet we are not following a dead man but a living Christ. Using human terms to describe the risen glory of Christ is all we humans have until we enter into the mystery of God.

While He is raised up we touch Him by our surrender of self, denuding ourselves of all that that keeps us from following His will for our lives- to unite ourselves to His truth, His love, to become children of God.

Love of Christ liberates man, gives joy, sets man free- no longer chained to old ideas, old boxes of self-reliance. The life of God lives in us, our true self is found, our joy complete. The Spirit endows us with the desire to participate with Christ's actions- to bring all men into His love.

As Christ sits at the right hand of God, the Messiah’s kingdom is inaugurated, a kingdom foretold by Daniel, a kingdom which will have no end. Christ is the head, we the followers, and this kingdom is our hope and promise; it is the place He prepares for us as He ascends into heaven.
Holy Spirit, the Third Person of the Blessed d Trinity

Holy Spirit, the Anointed of Jesus Christ, the Advocate of man to ask; the Reveler of Wisdom, Truth to all, the Consoler, the Finger of God, the Breath of Heaven, the Fire of God’s love.

So many titles, yet sometimes called the forgotten person of the Trinity.

Teens receive a year of study before being confirmed; congregations wear red along with the presider on Pentecost; bonfires are lit to announce His coming; readings are read in different languages, yet most Catholics seldom pray to Him.

To the disciples, Jesus tells them, ”I have much more to tell you, but you cannot bear it now. But when he comes, the Spirit of truth, he will guide you to all truth.” (Jn 16:12) What before was incomprehensible, now the Spirit gives understanding- understanding of Jesus and the Father’s truth- the truth that Jesus is the Son of God and the Spirit reveals only the truth which he receives from the Father. Love makes one reveal his secrets of invisible things.( Acquinas)

Fear, visible within the minds and hearts of the disciples is changed into joy, hope, unity with all who believe in Jesus. Indeed fire has burned away all former prejudices, misunderstandings, mistrust, division, hatred and a river of living water from the Spirit consecrate the disciples with grace to begin anew the work of Christ through the Church, forgiving sins, distributing sacraments to the one Body of Christ, spreading His message of love. It is a gift of new life, new hope, new promise, even a new language of love.

All men today are also anointed, consecrated, given a role to continue the kingdom of God. Is man unwilling to participate with the graces given in Confirmation? This is the love and glory we give back to God as we grow in wisdom and grace- God the creator of man and of the seas and earth. Man makes himself the prime recipient of Jesus’ sacrifice of love though we pray, ”Renew the face of the earth.” Is the earth man’s private bounty- reaping the goods of the earth for his own personal profit? Is not the earth part of God’s created plan? Does not the earth have intended ways of action that man is to foster?

Jesus says, ”Rise, let us be on our way.”(Mark14:42) Man, on his way to carry out the intended work for which he was created, must pray to the Holy Spirit to strengthen man’s resolve to follow where He leads, to love what He loves, to become true children of God.

Sunday, May 17, 2015

“He APPROACHED, GRASPED her hand and HELPED her up.  Then the fever LEFT herd she  anWAITED on them.” (Mark1:31)

Jesus has had a busy day- teaching in the synagogue, expelling unclean spirits, speaking to the crowds.  Now his human nature requires rest, aloneness with his disciples when he may want to alone with his Father.  There is no rest for Jesus; his time on earth is limited and he has much to do. 

Jesus and his disciples go to Peter’s house where Peter’s mother-in- law lies ill.  Jesus goes to her, extending his hand with power and love.   Here is a God who can touch one.  Touching, one is able to see, to wonder, to be amazed, to become open.  Here is a new reality.  God is present among his people- active in their lives with the sound of his voice and the touch of his hand.  God is personally coming, entering and going through doors that have been closed- summoning, interacting, granting great favor.

Man too participates.  (“She waited on them”.)   Reserves of energy surface; she is fully there, fully seen.  Love begets love; active love begets love to another, to put their needs before one’s own need.  It does no longer matter if one is sick, weak; there is always work one can do.  To choose means owning the decision.

One remembers Simeon, who in his old age carries the precious Jesus to the Tabernacle altar; his gift to God.  His small actions show his love, wonder.  Touch, one always remembers- our parents grasping our small fingers, tender and strong at the same time; the final touch given a loved one bringing closure.

Work is “thank you” and praise.  Work is being fruitful in the manner He wishes for one, at this moment in time.  It is Peter’s mother-in- law calling.  It is our calling, our purpose now.

                                When you find yourself in a position to help someone,
                                                Be happy and blessed because
                                                                 God is answering
                                      THAT PERSON’S PRAYER THROUGH YOU!

Our purpose on earth is not to get lost in the dark
        But to be a light to others,

So they may find God through us.
Resurrection, the Beginning of New Life for Man
The Passion and Death of Jesus is the loving forgiveness Christ brings about for all mankind. When He rises from the dead He is bringing about new life or eternalizing life for all mankind. He is giving the command to begin eternal life here on earth and we are to follow the intent of the Father in doing this work. Each person is to find his particular work and then use it to bring all people into the fold of eternalizing the world in a loving manner.

Christ had to come to put the world in right relation to the Father, to put away all the old ways of familial ways and prejudices so we would be open to seeing(really seeing) and opening ourselves to ,love, following our potential, and eternalizing life. He had to show the old ways of reasoning did not allow people to realize their potential and hence were unable to follow the Father's intent.

New life, new way for the Source to enter, new actions by men, new ways of looking at life, new ways to eternalizing life for all men and the world, new communities of all people to realize their full humanness, full potential. The Resurrection is the impetus for change to happen because His forgiving love has wiped away the old way of looking at life and God.

It begins the potential for raising man to new awareness of the world and creation- to eternalize life, beginning with life here on earth.

The Father's will is that all see His will and use the gifts He has given each person to fulfill their full potential and therefore becoming truly human. This is done in conjunction with the community whose loving actions bring about oneness to the earth in that each Person. Each one seeks his work to bring about the will of the Father to eternalizing life.
Resurrection, the Beginning of New Life for Man

The Passion and Death of Jesus is the loving forgiveness Christ brings about for all mankind. When He rises from the dead He is bringing about new life or eternalizing life for all mankind. He is giving the command to begin eternal life here on earth and we are to follow the intent of the Father in doing this work. Each person is to find his particular work and then use it to bring all people into the fold of eternalizing the world in a loving manner.

Christ had to come to put the world in right relation to the Father, to put away all the old ways of familial ways and prejudices so we would be open to seeing(really seeing) and opening ourselves to ,love, following our potential, and eternalizing life. He had to show the old ways of reasoning did not allow people to realize their potential and hence were unable to follow the Father's intent.

New life, new way for the Source to enter, new actions by men, new ways of looking at life, new ways to eternalizing life for all men and the world, new communities of all people to realize their full humanness, full potential. The Resurrection is the impetus for change to happen because His forgiving love has wiped away the old way of looking at life and God.

It begins the potential for raising man to new awareness of the world and creation- to eternalize life, beginning with life here on earth.

The Father's will is that all see His will and use the gifts He has given each person to fulfill their full potential and therefore becoming truly human. This is done in conjunction with the community whose loving actions bring about oneness to the earth in that each Person. Each one seeks his work to bring about the will of the Father to eternalizing life.

Our New Life in God

Images of new life begun at Easter continue with “I am the vine, you are the branches.” (Jn15- )
New life begins with seed, the root forming from a cracked opening in the seed. Growing stronger with water and nutrients, the stem, vine, comes forth, moving upward toward the light of the sun. Soon branches appear, engrafted on the vine. Together the vine and branches become one- one plant emerging from the seed, the root to produce fruit.

Jesus, the Truth, the Vine of life, begotten from the seed of God, shows man the process of new life-“our new life in God.”

This is the plant of love growing deep in man’s new heart of love- man’s new heart open to everything the Person of Truth, Jesus, says to our parched hearts needing to be watered by His love, His words of Truth. His word, His body and blood received on the altar, His grace in the sacraments, continue the new life begun by Christ on Easter.

Before Christ gritty self-reliance ruled the heart- man wrapped up in his own affairs using others as a vehicle for his own material advancement, never thinking of others. Afterward a child-like vulnerability created to love others as Christ loved each one came forth into the world. New possibilities, new truths, new paths of interaction, new communities of love were open for man. Man could now live in the peace that Christ brings, could be all that God intended for man, could make the world and man have life eternal.
Man, tightly rooted to the Source of faith and the Source of Life, become strong branches of faith, love, and life. Tightly rooted to following His will in all things, man becomes one with God. Bringing forth much good fruit, our new life in God continues the work of Jesus- bringing all men into One Body of God.

“I am the gate; I am the Good Shepherd. I am the way, the truth, the life” (Jn6:9, 10, Jn14:6)

Before Jesus, the Son of God, entered the world as man who was also God, the world, its inhabitants, its resources, its very life was dead in sin. Sin brought about by man thinking he was God, brought by the false reasoning of Adam, committed man to a life of darkness and error.

Jesus Christ came, putting man back into right relationship with God by His loving forgiveness. Mankind through Christ's message, actions, grace, was now able to become fully human as God had intended.

Before Jesus, man put up barriers (fences) designed by reason and self-seeking interests to keep the sheep (man) aloof from other men-men who were not like the other sheep (men). The hired man and the wolf cared not for all the sheep; therefore they disrupted the sheep (man) from their intended purpose, which God had intended. Man was prevented from truly understanding God and the purpose for which man had been created. God's plan for man, His intended purpose for man was unable to unfold. Jesus is the gate; He is the Good Shepherd which opens the gate for man to return (repent) and follow the Father's intended purpose for man. Old prejudices, old ways of thought, old barriers to an open heart to hear the Good Shepherd with His message from God His Father must die, be forgotten, to attain for man new life, new hearts full of God's love and His words of attaining eternal life.

Christ says turn away from your past misconceptions; listen carefully to my words and see my acts of love for you. If you love and believe in me, you know I want you to follow my Father's will on this earth- I want you to begin here on this earth to eternalize life, to begin to have eternal life here on earth and join me and the Father in eternal life. If you love me your life will be open to receiving my love and you will open your hearts to loving one another in all your actions. Your love for me will then be extended to all you meet and by this love all will come together in loving and eternal life. You will understand your role in my plan and by your love surrender animosity, hatred, anger, malice. (Ep4:31-32) Our lives replace darkness with compassion, forgiveness, kindness, humility, gentleness, patience. (Col3:12) There will be no rest because when one does all things in love, ”He rests in me and I in Him.”

”The Good Shepherd recognizes us by name as individuals; He gives everything one needs to fulfill the work He has given ;He gives us grace and sacraments; He gives one peace and strength to continue Christ’s mission on earth- so that all men may know the Lord and His will and be one flock in mind and heart.

"So the Lord Jesus after he spoke to them was taken up unto heaven and took his seat at the right hand of God. (Mark16:18)

The Risen Jesus returns to the Father. He enters into His divine glory, His exalted glory. Hidden from human eyes, he carries in His divine nature the scars of His suffering for man. Thus, man's dignity is raised into being with the Father. Abiding in the Triune God, Jesus gives man the promise he is going ahead to prepare a place for man. He is sending man the Holy Spirit to intensify man's yearning for unity and rest in God.
One of the worst things about death of a love one whom we will no longer see in this life is not being able to talk things over with them, to have questions asked and answered. We cannot touch our loved one to bring him back into this world. Yet we are not following a dead man but a living Christ. Using human terms to describe the risen glory of Christ is all we humans have until we enter into the mystery of God.
While He is raised up we touch Him by our surrender of self, denuding ourselves of all that that keeps us from following His will for our lives- to unite ourselves to His truth, His love, to become children of God.
Love of Christ liberates man, gives joy, sets man free- no longer chained to old ideas, old boxes of self-reliance. The life of God lives in us, our true self is found, our joy complete. The Spirit endows us with the desire to participate with Christ's actions- to bring all men into His love.

As Christ sits at the right hand of God, the Messiah’s kingdom is inaugurated, a kingdom foretold by Daniel, a kingdom which will have no end. Christ is the head, we the followers, and this kingdom is our hope and promise; it is the place He prepares for us as He ascends into heaven.