Monday, May 25, 2015

“I am the gate; I am the Good Shepherd. I am the way, the truth, the life” (Jn6:9, 10, Jn14:6)

Before Jesus, the Son of God, entered the world as man who was also God, the world, its inhabitants, its resources, its very life was dead in sin. Sin brought about by man thinking he was God, brought by the false reasoning of Adam, committed man to a life of darkness and error.

Jesus Christ came, putting man back into right relationship with God by His loving forgiveness. Mankind through Christ's message, actions, grace, was now able to become fully human as God had intended.

Before Jesus, man put up barriers (fences) designed by reason and self-seeking interests to keep the sheep (man) aloof from other men-men who were not like the other sheep (men). The hired man and the wolf cared not for all the sheep; therefore they disrupted the sheep (man) from their intended purpose, which God had intended. Man was prevented from truly understanding God and the purpose for which man had been created. God's plan for man, His intended purpose for man was unable to unfold. Jesus is the gate; He is the Good Shepherd which opens the gate for man to return (repent) and follow the Father's intended purpose for man. Old prejudices, old ways of thought, old barriers to an open heart to hear the Good Shepherd with His message from God His Father must die, be forgotten, to attain for man new life, new hearts full of God's love and His words of attaining eternal life.

Christ says turn away from your past misconceptions; listen carefully to my words and see my acts of love for you. If you love and believe in me, you know I want you to follow my Father's will on this earth- I want you to begin here on this earth to eternalize life, to begin to have eternal life here on earth and join me and the Father in eternal life. If you love me your life will be open to receiving my love and you will open your hearts to loving one another in all your actions. Your love for me will then be extended to all you meet and by this love all will come together in loving and eternal life. You will understand your role in my plan and by your love surrender animosity, hatred, anger, malice. (Ep4:31-32) Our lives replace darkness with compassion, forgiveness, kindness, humility, gentleness, patience. (Col3:12) There will be no rest because when one does all things in love, ”He rests in me and I in Him.”

”The Good Shepherd recognizes us by name as individuals; He gives everything one needs to fulfill the work He has given ;He gives us grace and sacraments; He gives one peace and strength to continue Christ’s mission on earth- so that all men may know the Lord and His will and be one flock in mind and heart.

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