Monday, May 25, 2015

Holy Spirit, the Third Person of the Blessed d Trinity

Holy Spirit, the Anointed of Jesus Christ, the Advocate of man to ask; the Reveler of Wisdom, Truth to all, the Consoler, the Finger of God, the Breath of Heaven, the Fire of God’s love.

So many titles, yet sometimes called the forgotten person of the Trinity.

Teens receive a year of study before being confirmed; congregations wear red along with the presider on Pentecost; bonfires are lit to announce His coming; readings are read in different languages, yet most Catholics seldom pray to Him.

To the disciples, Jesus tells them, ”I have much more to tell you, but you cannot bear it now. But when he comes, the Spirit of truth, he will guide you to all truth.” (Jn 16:12) What before was incomprehensible, now the Spirit gives understanding- understanding of Jesus and the Father’s truth- the truth that Jesus is the Son of God and the Spirit reveals only the truth which he receives from the Father. Love makes one reveal his secrets of invisible things.( Acquinas)

Fear, visible within the minds and hearts of the disciples is changed into joy, hope, unity with all who believe in Jesus. Indeed fire has burned away all former prejudices, misunderstandings, mistrust, division, hatred and a river of living water from the Spirit consecrate the disciples with grace to begin anew the work of Christ through the Church, forgiving sins, distributing sacraments to the one Body of Christ, spreading His message of love. It is a gift of new life, new hope, new promise, even a new language of love.

All men today are also anointed, consecrated, given a role to continue the kingdom of God. Is man unwilling to participate with the graces given in Confirmation? This is the love and glory we give back to God as we grow in wisdom and grace- God the creator of man and of the seas and earth. Man makes himself the prime recipient of Jesus’ sacrifice of love though we pray, ”Renew the face of the earth.” Is the earth man’s private bounty- reaping the goods of the earth for his own personal profit? Is not the earth part of God’s created plan? Does not the earth have intended ways of action that man is to foster?

Jesus says, ”Rise, let us be on our way.”(Mark14:42) Man, on his way to carry out the intended work for which he was created, must pray to the Holy Spirit to strengthen man’s resolve to follow where He leads, to love what He loves, to become true children of God.

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