Wednesday, March 25, 2015

Judas’ Hour of Betrayal
My interior voice resounds with my own importance; my own knowledge is superior as to what the Messiah is to be.  I am responsible for the money; money is power and surely Jesus must realize he is to overthrow the dominance of Rome so Israel can prosper.  I will have a key role in governing then; worldly glory, power, riches, fame will be mine.  He has done other than what I expect; I have used so much of my energy defending my position here.  What does Jesus mean to need him in our hour of sorrow?  Bah on mercy and forgiveness; Rome is not going to fall for that outlook.  My pride too will not fall for that steel trap.
Today the die is cast.  A woman comes and anoints Jesus with precious oil. Why?  One could feed many people for what she spent on oil.  She must have spent thirty pieces of silver, and for what?  Love she says; I anoint him because he is going to suffer and die for my sins.
No, I will go to the authorities; I will make plans to turn Jesus over to the authorities.  We will see how loving and merciful he is when he is scourged, humiliated, or even killed. Soon we will go to the Passover Feast.  I will be given a seat of honor next to the Master.  He will recline his head on my breast.  I am the perfect actor, perfect hypocrite.  No one will suspect what I have done. “ Surely, it is not I, Rabbi? (Mt26:25)   
Well maybe Jesus will know of my betrayal- he always seems to know the desires of the heart. It will be dark, and there should be little light to highlight my misdeeds.  Let us see if he is a light to the world.
I will accept his morsel of bread as his friend, his companion, not realizing all this is in God’s plan. It was prophesized, “Even my bosom friend in whom I trusted, who ate my bread has lifted his heel against me. (Ps41:9)
Again and again Jesus offers me his love and mercy.  I justify my reasoning; I will offer Jesus to the authorities.  “The man I shall kiss is the one.” (Mt26:47-50)   A kiss, a sign of affection, has turned into a sign of betrayal. 
I have chosen my path.  My hour does not end well for me; I cannot acknowledge my sinfulness; I can only condemn myself.

“Judas is neither a master of evil nor the figure of demoniacal power of darkness but rather a sycophant who bows down before the anonymous changing moods and current fashion.  But it is precisely this anonymous voice that cried, “Away with him!  Crucify him!” (Pope Benedict XVI)

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