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Wednesday, July 8, 2015

                                Image this!

Creating man, God has given man a mind, a heart, a soul, a will to seek Him out, thereby knowing and loving Him.   He has granted man an image of himself in Jesus Christ whereby man may learn the way to God, His Father.

Humans, especially men and boys, seem to grasp the concept of image first in tools and their uses.  Their brains see the tool, watch it act and soon they are engrossed in discovering what they would like the tool to do for them.  Going from concrete into the mind, seeing the possibilities, the tool has been transformed into something unique for them.
Reading sacred scripture evokes imaging.  No one who reads “The angel showed me the river of the water of life, clear as crystal, coming forth from the throne of God… ”(Rev22:1) cannot but see images- river, ever-flowing, always moving forward, life-giving,  clear, so one can see the object is love, mercy, grace, peace,- all supernatural gifts God gives to man.  The longer one images, more thoughts come forth, until prayerful meditation is granted.

There are ways ”imaging”  seem to occur; reading a passage, seeing a picture or photograph, listening to music, touching something with closed eyes, smelling flowers or perfume.  Our senses are attuned to memories, experiences, hopes, desires and are brought forth by imaging. 
Jesus used imaging as he taught; he goes from what is seen and understood into the thoughts of God; he goes from what is known to truth of God.   Faith in Jesus and his word is our basis in reading scripture.  Jesus wants to reach our hearts through his word and spirit.  His power of grace in directing our reading motivates one to dig deeper so that it becomes more than a story, or a history of a person.  Scripture is God’s way of speaking to us- judgement, focus, thoughts, are illuminated by His truth.

Image Jesus and his disciples on a boat with Jesus.  The image may remind a priest of his church with Jesus guiding it; to someone in the depths of suffering, the same image may speak to the peace and calmness Jesus brings in the midst of trials; to a young person wrestling with his vocation, it may bring to mind the adventure a journey with Christ brings.  Each one wants communion with the Trinity, a visualization of otherness, so the projection of an image each holds dear brings joy and hope in God’s eternal love.

The image from scripture I see for myself is “Feed my sheep.”  Each time I go to Mas and hear, ”Do this in remembrance of me”, my image is affirmed.  It is Jesus’ command to me-it speaks to me directly; it is my calling, my consecrated duty, the reason for my creation, the driving force I must follow for eternal salvation.  It is my work on this earth, to follow the work Jesus began, in order for me to become his disciple.  Stirring in my psyche, it has taken many forms, some of which I did not recognize until much later.  The journey has had many winding paths, yet my faith and trust in Jesus’ command to me has been unwavering because of the image, “Feed my sheep” Christ has imprinted on my mind and heart.

Wonder, attentiveness, the Beginning of Contemplation

I am not a learned philosopher or thinker- just an ordinary human being who hopes for union with God.  Like a child I must begin with love and trust and move forward as God permits.  I begin with the things I see, the place where I am rooted, in my desire to please God.  I look around and see the beauty of creation; I see with eyes given by the Creator.  My human intelligence tells me it is good; my will acknowledges creation does not come forth from me, is to be used not for my personal benefit, but for the good of all.  Most days this is as far as I am able to go.

Yet I wonder.  Having a questing spirit, I move from the reality of sight and sound into the recesses of the intellect where I begin to “see” the reality of God and how He perceives people and thoughts.   Wonder explores faith and truth, not losing the reality of earth.  Wonder moves one closer to God and away from earthly places and thoughts.  It is like being in two places at one time- your hands and feet are in one place, your mind and heart in another place.  As the water washes away the thoughts drawn in the sand by a stick, I wonder,  “Is this how God washes away the sins I have committed?”

Simone Weil calls the next step attention-“concentrated attention” that leads one to truth and fulfillment. One has to long for truth and perpetually concentrate all his attention upon its attainment.  It is suspending our thoughts, relaxing our muscles laying all prejudices, distractions aside, “waiting with expectancy.”   That is easier said than done and requires one to focus only on Him, the Christ, the Teacher, the Beloved.  She says this is the heart of prayer.   Is this not what one does during Adoration?  Isn’t this our focus?  Is not adoration placing our entire being with Him and listening to Him with prayerful love?

Practice begins with our “active listening” (my concept) to another.  Really listening is an art that is learned.  It begins with children listening to parents with love and trust.  Only 20 percent of what we hear do we retain and absorb.  At Mills Institute in the 60’s experiments tried to see how this number could be increased.  Retention through listening alone is highest immediately after listening to instruction.  Children listen to instruction by a parent and immediately comply; yet soon forget. Instruction must be given again and yet again for full compliance.  As adults we listen to homilies by a priest whom we know is believable. Soon we forget and truths must be told again and yet again.  Only by practicing truths can our cognition be improved and retained.

Another technique is touch-like writing on sand which has texture, especially against sensitive areas of fingertips.  Pencil on paper does not have the same effect. When we touch, meditate on rosary beads in a quiet setting, we find we understand the mysteries of the rosary.

Active listening applies to our relationship with others.  Simone Weil expands; she says one must give full attention to each one’s unique personality.  By spending time understanding where the other person is coming from, one is able to fully and truly hear the other.  It is speaking to someone without “ourself” being seen.  Most talk to each other as if there is a mirror between them, reflecting back my thoughts, my prejudices.   Truly listening to another-this is true charity, truly a miracle, as it is seldom done.

Contemplation is the fulfillment of all the prep work which has gone on in one’s life; it is a glimpse of something ethereal; it lasts only momentarily, though one wishes it would last longer. It cannot be recaptured by my will; it is a gift.  It is a journey with a happy ending.

Holy Spirit, the Third Person of the Blessed d Trinity

Holy Spirit, the Anointer of Jesus Christ, the Advocate of man to ask; the Revealer of Wisdom, Truth to all, the Consoler, the Finger of God, the Breath of Heaven, the Fire of God’s love. 
 So many titles, yet sometimes called the forgotten person of the Trinity.

Teens receive a year of study before being confirmed; congregations wear red along with the presider on Pentecost; bonfires are lit to announce His coming; readings are read in different languages, yet most Catholics seldom pray to Him. 

To the disciples, Jesus tells them, ”I have much more to tell you, but you cannot bear it now.  But when he comes, the Spirit of truth, he will guide you to all truth.” (Jn 16:12) What before was incomprehensible, now the Spirit gives understanding- understanding of Jesus and the Father’s truth- the truth that Jesus is the Son of God and the Spirit reveals only the truth which he receives from the Father.  Love makes one reveal his secrets of invisible things. ( Aquinas)

Fear, visible within the minds and hearts of the disciples is changed into joy, hope, unity with all who believe in Jesus.  Indeed fire has burned away all former prejudices, misunderstandings, mistrust, division, hatred and a river of living water from the Spirit consecrate the disciples with grace to begin anew the work of Christ through the Church,  forgiving sins, distributing sacraments to the one Body of Christ, spreading His message of love. It is a gift of new life, new hope, new promise, even a new language of love.

All men today are also anointed, consecrated, given a role to continue the kingdom of God.   Is man unwilling to participate with the graces given in Confirmation?  This is the love and glory we give back to God as we grow in wisdom and grace- God the creator of man and of the seas and earth.  Man makes himself the prime recipient of Jesus’ sacrifice of love though we pray, ”Renew the face of the earth.”   Is the earth man’s private bounty- reaping the goods of the earth for his own personal profit?  Is not the earth part of God’s created plan?  Does not the earth have intended ways of action that man is to foster?

Jesus says, ”Rise, let us be on our way.”(Mark14:42)  Man, on his way to carry out the intended work for which he was created, must pray to the Holy Spirit to strengthen man’s resolve to follow where He leads, to love what He loves, to become true children of God.
The Sin-Eater

Along the banks of the Great Lakes are historical sites attesting to immigrants who settled here. Immigrants brought from their homeland customs, culture, and religious practices.  Scandinavians, Germans, French, English, Czechs believed they were entering their own Promised Land.  Isolated by long cold winters and back breaking labor to grow crops for survival, religious practices from long ago came about as many had no ministers or priests for liturgy.

One custom from Scotland and Wales caught my attention.  It was the sin-eater, one chosen by lots to be set aside to receive the transgressions of the dead.  He was called by bell ringing to come back into the community and led to the dead body where food and drink were laid on the chest of the departed.  The sin-eater was obligated to eat the food and drink thereby ingesting the sins of the person who died.  The burial could go forward and the loved one was able to come before the judge of heaven with an unblemished spirit.   Someone had to be the living sacrifice; it was important work ensuring safety for one to welcome the family of mourners at their appointed time of judgement.  Grief and sorrow could be washed away like a river flowing over rocks in a creek bed.  Joy and hope came forth into the community.

Missionaries arrived explaining Jesus Christ himself could be the only one to wash away the sins of man by his death on the cross.   Only Christ was without sin; only he was the unblemished lamb.  Only Christ could carry man’s transgressions on his merciful shoulders.  Christ was not forced to carry man’s sins as was the sin-eater; he chose to do it.  The burden of sin could be carried by love- the love of Christ for man and through him alone could man be saved.  A relief, a joy, a hope resounded throughout the community as they listened and responded to the word of life and love.

We too need someone from above to watch over us; someone who pours out refreshing water of living life; someone who recognizes our sinfulness, yet  still loves us and will welcome us into eternal life.  That someone is Jesus Christ who raises us up into his arms of forgiving, merciful love so we may enter  ”into the praise of his glory.” (Ep1:14) We too breathe a sigh of relief, joy, and hope as we drink the streams of living water springing from his eternal love.

Wednesday, June 10, 2015

Loving the Person of Jesus Christ

Shuffling along the Green  Cabrini Projects of Chicago travels one of  the unseen, the one avoided, the one unclean, the one unloved.
He/she, glimpsed from the train window, is passed by every day by you and me on our way to self-important work.
  He/she reads the streets for pennies, drugs, leftovers from the night before.
We continue to peruse our Tribune, perhaps even a Magnificat meditation.
And we have passed Him by.

A miracle, we fantasize, would strengthen our faith.
Yet the wonder our hands, our hearts could render lies just outside.
Separated from each other by a solid pane of glass we have constructed for protection against “such people”.
We have missed the person of Jesus Christ,
The miracle of His precious body has called us
And we have not answered His call.

                                                                                                Mary Rivers
Seeing the wholeness of God’s words of truth
The summation of the fruits of the Holy Spirit implanted within us at Confirmation
The fullness of the relationship between God and man
Expressive action of man’s gifts for which he was to live, for which he was created
Ultimate example of oneness with God
Visible sign of unity of man and God’s words of truth and life

Integrity is like mercy, requiring a process of prayer, meditation, dialogue, reading God’s words in order to incorporate integrity into one’s life.  Some call the process intuition, a process of seeking not through reason, but acquiring a sense of what God intended man to become after Christ’s Ascension and the coming of the Holy Spirit at Pentecost.  Some call it becoming fully human and some call it following the will of God for man.
I first encountered integrity from a CFO of a multi-conglomerate food processing company. Integrity was what he was called at his retirement party; he had the ability to lead many different divisions because he could see the intent of the whole entire company- to feed the world with healthy, nutritious, sustainable food. 
I first knew this man as a man of prayer; he would ask me for what could he pray for me that day or he would ask me to pray for him on a decision he had to make for the company.  At 6:30 am on a snowy Mn winter-asking for prayer- that stayed in my mind and heart.
Years later I hear integrity spoken in regard to the late Cardinal George, “ a man with authority to speak for the church and get his fellow bishops to bracket their differences and act as one for the good of the church.  He could do it because of who he is; his character and insight made him the reference point when things were very serious.”  (George Weigel)
One who follows God’s plan for his life in humble, thoughtful ways; one who knows the truth which is Christ; one who seeks oneness in all to become whole, complete with God; this is one whom man can say, “he has integrity.”

Monday, May 25, 2015

“I am the gate; I am the Good Shepherd. I am the way, the truth, the life” (Jn6:9, 10, Jn14:6)

Before Jesus, the Son of God, entered the world as man who was also God, the world, its inhabitants, its resources, its very life was dead in sin. Sin brought about by man thinking he was God, brought by the false reasoning of Adam, committed man to a life of darkness and error.

Jesus Christ came, putting man back into right relationship with God by His loving forgiveness. Mankind through Christ's message, actions, grace, was now able to become fully human as God had intended.

Before Jesus, man put up barriers (fences) designed by reason and self-seeking interests to keep the sheep (man) aloof from other men-men who were not like the other sheep (men). The hired man and the wolf cared not for all the sheep; therefore they disrupted the sheep (man) from their intended purpose, which God had intended. Man was prevented from truly understanding God and the purpose for which man had been created. God's plan for man, His intended purpose for man was unable to unfold. Jesus is the gate; He is the Good Shepherd which opens the gate for man to return (repent) and follow the Father's intended purpose for man. Old prejudices, old ways of thought, old barriers to an open heart to hear the Good Shepherd with His message from God His Father must die, be forgotten, to attain for man new life, new hearts full of God's love and His words of attaining eternal life.

Christ says turn away from your past misconceptions; listen carefully to my words and see my acts of love for you. If you love and believe in me, you know I want you to follow my Father's will on this earth- I want you to begin here on this earth to eternalize life, to begin to have eternal life here on earth and join me and the Father in eternal life. If you love me your life will be open to receiving my love and you will open your hearts to loving one another in all your actions. Your love for me will then be extended to all you meet and by this love all will come together in loving and eternal life. You will understand your role in my plan and by your love surrender animosity, hatred, anger, malice. (Ep4:31-32) Our lives replace darkness with compassion, forgiveness, kindness, humility, gentleness, patience. (Col3:12) There will be no rest because when one does all things in love, ”He rests in me and I in Him.”

”The Good Shepherd recognizes us by name as individuals; He gives everything one needs to fulfill the work He has given ;He gives us grace and sacraments; He gives one peace and strength to continue Christ’s mission on earth- so that all men may know the Lord and His will and be one flock in mind and heart.
“Remain in my love.” (Jn15:9)

Love expresses the tangible presence of Christ; not in words of affection- it is seen in actions, God’s actions and man’s actions. The pinnacle action of love of Christ for man and the Father is shown in His dying on the cross. Man shows his love for God in following His Divine Will.

Jesus invites, “Come and see.” (Mt19:21) He respects our freedom; love demands risk; it demands a response, a decision, a choice, an act of our will. It also demands carrying out of actions which are pleasing to Him; a process of letting go of self, committing to Someone greater than ourselves. It is the shedding of parts of self the way a snake sheds an old skin. It is an act of humility- letting go of pride, self-importance and self-reliance, self -righteousness. It is not easy; it is not selective; it is not abstract. It is a question Jesus asks the rich man: “What do you seek?”

Little by little the Lord asks us to relinquish “I” the ego of self, until the self is purged. To relinquish her children up to God may be a woman’s largest choice. He asks her to give up her ideas of what SHE would like them to become and instead must let them rest in God’s hands of mercy. A man may be asked to let go of his ambition, of work success. Work, in the eyes of the world, is his status, his identity. Christ asks man to re-examine what drives him in his work- prestige, power, possessions? There is a cost to follow Jesus. Sometimes achievement has a way of blinding one to one’s true destiny; true commitment means following a road not well traveled by the world. When Love has filled all the empty spaces of one’s heart and life, then God becomes top priority.

There is a certain spectacular freedom in letting oneself completely love Love. It makes one feel powerful even in surrender; strong, even in weakness; hope, even in suffering- a different person from the person before LOVE. Purifying oneself does mean rebirth, a new mutual love; it is love from a pure heart. (1Peter1:22-24). It means I remain in Him and He remains in me.
"So the Lord Jesus after he spoke to them was taken up unto heaven and took his seat at the right hand of God. (Mark16:18)

The Risen Jesus returns to the Father. He enters into His divine glory, His exalted glory. Hidden from human eyes, he carries in His divine nature the scars of His suffering for man. Thus, man's dignity is raised into being with the Father. Abiding in the Triune God, Jesus gives man the promise he is going ahead to prepare a place for man. He is sending man the Holy Spirit to intensify man's yearning for unity and rest in God.

One of the worst things about death of a love one whom we will no longer see in this life is not being able to talk things over with them, to have questions asked and answered. We cannot touch our loved one to bring him back into this world. Yet we are not following a dead man but a living Christ. Using human terms to describe the risen glory of Christ is all we humans have until we enter into the mystery of God.

While He is raised up we touch Him by our surrender of self, denuding ourselves of all that that keeps us from following His will for our lives- to unite ourselves to His truth, His love, to become children of God.

Love of Christ liberates man, gives joy, sets man free- no longer chained to old ideas, old boxes of self-reliance. The life of God lives in us, our true self is found, our joy complete. The Spirit endows us with the desire to participate with Christ's actions- to bring all men into His love.

As Christ sits at the right hand of God, the Messiah’s kingdom is inaugurated, a kingdom foretold by Daniel, a kingdom which will have no end. Christ is the head, we the followers, and this kingdom is our hope and promise; it is the place He prepares for us as He ascends into heaven.
Holy Spirit, the Third Person of the Blessed d Trinity

Holy Spirit, the Anointed of Jesus Christ, the Advocate of man to ask; the Reveler of Wisdom, Truth to all, the Consoler, the Finger of God, the Breath of Heaven, the Fire of God’s love.

So many titles, yet sometimes called the forgotten person of the Trinity.

Teens receive a year of study before being confirmed; congregations wear red along with the presider on Pentecost; bonfires are lit to announce His coming; readings are read in different languages, yet most Catholics seldom pray to Him.

To the disciples, Jesus tells them, ”I have much more to tell you, but you cannot bear it now. But when he comes, the Spirit of truth, he will guide you to all truth.” (Jn 16:12) What before was incomprehensible, now the Spirit gives understanding- understanding of Jesus and the Father’s truth- the truth that Jesus is the Son of God and the Spirit reveals only the truth which he receives from the Father. Love makes one reveal his secrets of invisible things.( Acquinas)

Fear, visible within the minds and hearts of the disciples is changed into joy, hope, unity with all who believe in Jesus. Indeed fire has burned away all former prejudices, misunderstandings, mistrust, division, hatred and a river of living water from the Spirit consecrate the disciples with grace to begin anew the work of Christ through the Church, forgiving sins, distributing sacraments to the one Body of Christ, spreading His message of love. It is a gift of new life, new hope, new promise, even a new language of love.

All men today are also anointed, consecrated, given a role to continue the kingdom of God. Is man unwilling to participate with the graces given in Confirmation? This is the love and glory we give back to God as we grow in wisdom and grace- God the creator of man and of the seas and earth. Man makes himself the prime recipient of Jesus’ sacrifice of love though we pray, ”Renew the face of the earth.” Is the earth man’s private bounty- reaping the goods of the earth for his own personal profit? Is not the earth part of God’s created plan? Does not the earth have intended ways of action that man is to foster?

Jesus says, ”Rise, let us be on our way.”(Mark14:42) Man, on his way to carry out the intended work for which he was created, must pray to the Holy Spirit to strengthen man’s resolve to follow where He leads, to love what He loves, to become true children of God.

Sunday, May 17, 2015

“He APPROACHED, GRASPED her hand and HELPED her up.  Then the fever LEFT herd she  anWAITED on them.” (Mark1:31)

Jesus has had a busy day- teaching in the synagogue, expelling unclean spirits, speaking to the crowds.  Now his human nature requires rest, aloneness with his disciples when he may want to alone with his Father.  There is no rest for Jesus; his time on earth is limited and he has much to do. 

Jesus and his disciples go to Peter’s house where Peter’s mother-in- law lies ill.  Jesus goes to her, extending his hand with power and love.   Here is a God who can touch one.  Touching, one is able to see, to wonder, to be amazed, to become open.  Here is a new reality.  God is present among his people- active in their lives with the sound of his voice and the touch of his hand.  God is personally coming, entering and going through doors that have been closed- summoning, interacting, granting great favor.

Man too participates.  (“She waited on them”.)   Reserves of energy surface; she is fully there, fully seen.  Love begets love; active love begets love to another, to put their needs before one’s own need.  It does no longer matter if one is sick, weak; there is always work one can do.  To choose means owning the decision.

One remembers Simeon, who in his old age carries the precious Jesus to the Tabernacle altar; his gift to God.  His small actions show his love, wonder.  Touch, one always remembers- our parents grasping our small fingers, tender and strong at the same time; the final touch given a loved one bringing closure.

Work is “thank you” and praise.  Work is being fruitful in the manner He wishes for one, at this moment in time.  It is Peter’s mother-in- law calling.  It is our calling, our purpose now.

                                When you find yourself in a position to help someone,
                                                Be happy and blessed because
                                                                 God is answering
                                      THAT PERSON’S PRAYER THROUGH YOU!

Our purpose on earth is not to get lost in the dark
        But to be a light to others,

So they may find God through us.
Resurrection, the Beginning of New Life for Man
The Passion and Death of Jesus is the loving forgiveness Christ brings about for all mankind. When He rises from the dead He is bringing about new life or eternalizing life for all mankind. He is giving the command to begin eternal life here on earth and we are to follow the intent of the Father in doing this work. Each person is to find his particular work and then use it to bring all people into the fold of eternalizing the world in a loving manner.

Christ had to come to put the world in right relation to the Father, to put away all the old ways of familial ways and prejudices so we would be open to seeing(really seeing) and opening ourselves to ,love, following our potential, and eternalizing life. He had to show the old ways of reasoning did not allow people to realize their potential and hence were unable to follow the Father's intent.

New life, new way for the Source to enter, new actions by men, new ways of looking at life, new ways to eternalizing life for all men and the world, new communities of all people to realize their full humanness, full potential. The Resurrection is the impetus for change to happen because His forgiving love has wiped away the old way of looking at life and God.

It begins the potential for raising man to new awareness of the world and creation- to eternalize life, beginning with life here on earth.

The Father's will is that all see His will and use the gifts He has given each person to fulfill their full potential and therefore becoming truly human. This is done in conjunction with the community whose loving actions bring about oneness to the earth in that each Person. Each one seeks his work to bring about the will of the Father to eternalizing life.
Resurrection, the Beginning of New Life for Man

The Passion and Death of Jesus is the loving forgiveness Christ brings about for all mankind. When He rises from the dead He is bringing about new life or eternalizing life for all mankind. He is giving the command to begin eternal life here on earth and we are to follow the intent of the Father in doing this work. Each person is to find his particular work and then use it to bring all people into the fold of eternalizing the world in a loving manner.

Christ had to come to put the world in right relation to the Father, to put away all the old ways of familial ways and prejudices so we would be open to seeing(really seeing) and opening ourselves to ,love, following our potential, and eternalizing life. He had to show the old ways of reasoning did not allow people to realize their potential and hence were unable to follow the Father's intent.

New life, new way for the Source to enter, new actions by men, new ways of looking at life, new ways to eternalizing life for all men and the world, new communities of all people to realize their full humanness, full potential. The Resurrection is the impetus for change to happen because His forgiving love has wiped away the old way of looking at life and God.

It begins the potential for raising man to new awareness of the world and creation- to eternalize life, beginning with life here on earth.

The Father's will is that all see His will and use the gifts He has given each person to fulfill their full potential and therefore becoming truly human. This is done in conjunction with the community whose loving actions bring about oneness to the earth in that each Person. Each one seeks his work to bring about the will of the Father to eternalizing life.

Our New Life in God

Images of new life begun at Easter continue with “I am the vine, you are the branches.” (Jn15- )
New life begins with seed, the root forming from a cracked opening in the seed. Growing stronger with water and nutrients, the stem, vine, comes forth, moving upward toward the light of the sun. Soon branches appear, engrafted on the vine. Together the vine and branches become one- one plant emerging from the seed, the root to produce fruit.

Jesus, the Truth, the Vine of life, begotten from the seed of God, shows man the process of new life-“our new life in God.”

This is the plant of love growing deep in man’s new heart of love- man’s new heart open to everything the Person of Truth, Jesus, says to our parched hearts needing to be watered by His love, His words of Truth. His word, His body and blood received on the altar, His grace in the sacraments, continue the new life begun by Christ on Easter.

Before Christ gritty self-reliance ruled the heart- man wrapped up in his own affairs using others as a vehicle for his own material advancement, never thinking of others. Afterward a child-like vulnerability created to love others as Christ loved each one came forth into the world. New possibilities, new truths, new paths of interaction, new communities of love were open for man. Man could now live in the peace that Christ brings, could be all that God intended for man, could make the world and man have life eternal.
Man, tightly rooted to the Source of faith and the Source of Life, become strong branches of faith, love, and life. Tightly rooted to following His will in all things, man becomes one with God. Bringing forth much good fruit, our new life in God continues the work of Jesus- bringing all men into One Body of God.

“I am the gate; I am the Good Shepherd. I am the way, the truth, the life” (Jn6:9, 10, Jn14:6)

Before Jesus, the Son of God, entered the world as man who was also God, the world, its inhabitants, its resources, its very life was dead in sin. Sin brought about by man thinking he was God, brought by the false reasoning of Adam, committed man to a life of darkness and error.

Jesus Christ came, putting man back into right relationship with God by His loving forgiveness. Mankind through Christ's message, actions, grace, was now able to become fully human as God had intended.

Before Jesus, man put up barriers (fences) designed by reason and self-seeking interests to keep the sheep (man) aloof from other men-men who were not like the other sheep (men). The hired man and the wolf cared not for all the sheep; therefore they disrupted the sheep (man) from their intended purpose, which God had intended. Man was prevented from truly understanding God and the purpose for which man had been created. God's plan for man, His intended purpose for man was unable to unfold. Jesus is the gate; He is the Good Shepherd which opens the gate for man to return (repent) and follow the Father's intended purpose for man. Old prejudices, old ways of thought, old barriers to an open heart to hear the Good Shepherd with His message from God His Father must die, be forgotten, to attain for man new life, new hearts full of God's love and His words of attaining eternal life.

Christ says turn away from your past misconceptions; listen carefully to my words and see my acts of love for you. If you love and believe in me, you know I want you to follow my Father's will on this earth- I want you to begin here on this earth to eternalize life, to begin to have eternal life here on earth and join me and the Father in eternal life. If you love me your life will be open to receiving my love and you will open your hearts to loving one another in all your actions. Your love for me will then be extended to all you meet and by this love all will come together in loving and eternal life. You will understand your role in my plan and by your love surrender animosity, hatred, anger, malice. (Ep4:31-32) Our lives replace darkness with compassion, forgiveness, kindness, humility, gentleness, patience. (Col3:12) There will be no rest because when one does all things in love, ”He rests in me and I in Him.”

”The Good Shepherd recognizes us by name as individuals; He gives everything one needs to fulfill the work He has given ;He gives us grace and sacraments; He gives one peace and strength to continue Christ’s mission on earth- so that all men may know the Lord and His will and be one flock in mind and heart.

"So the Lord Jesus after he spoke to them was taken up unto heaven and took his seat at the right hand of God. (Mark16:18)

The Risen Jesus returns to the Father. He enters into His divine glory, His exalted glory. Hidden from human eyes, he carries in His divine nature the scars of His suffering for man. Thus, man's dignity is raised into being with the Father. Abiding in the Triune God, Jesus gives man the promise he is going ahead to prepare a place for man. He is sending man the Holy Spirit to intensify man's yearning for unity and rest in God.
One of the worst things about death of a love one whom we will no longer see in this life is not being able to talk things over with them, to have questions asked and answered. We cannot touch our loved one to bring him back into this world. Yet we are not following a dead man but a living Christ. Using human terms to describe the risen glory of Christ is all we humans have until we enter into the mystery of God.
While He is raised up we touch Him by our surrender of self, denuding ourselves of all that that keeps us from following His will for our lives- to unite ourselves to His truth, His love, to become children of God.
Love of Christ liberates man, gives joy, sets man free- no longer chained to old ideas, old boxes of self-reliance. The life of God lives in us, our true self is found, our joy complete. The Spirit endows us with the desire to participate with Christ's actions- to bring all men into His love.

As Christ sits at the right hand of God, the Messiah’s kingdom is inaugurated, a kingdom foretold by Daniel, a kingdom which will have no end. Christ is the head, we the followers, and this kingdom is our hope and promise; it is the place He prepares for us as He ascends into heaven.

Wednesday, March 25, 2015

Mary’s Lifetime of Hours
I am His Mother.  Thirty-four years ago I said “Yes” to the Father’s plan of salvation. I have been faithful, have loved and nourished my little one, even as I knew I must suffer.  (Luke 2:34-35)  And Simeon blessed them and said to Mary His Mother, ”Behold, this child is appointed for the fall and rise of many in Israel and for a sign to be opposed… and a sword will pierce even your own soul… to the end that thoughts from many hearts may be revealed.”
Joseph and I thought we had lost him when he was twelve, but he was teaching in the temple.  He knew his mission. “How is it that you sought me?  Did you not know I must be in my Father’s house?” (Lk2:49)  We did not understand, but you came back with us to Nazareth and I kept all these things in my heart.
 Learning your earthly father’s carpentry skill and my Hebrew teaching the lessons of the Torah were sufficient for you until you were about thirty.  At Cana you knew your hour was not yet; still you changed water into wine so the young couple being married would not be embarrassed.  I am glad I asked you for this favor; I knew you would do whatever I asked.  Jesus always thought of the welfare of others- especially he wanted them to enjoy eternal life with the Father. 
To see Jesus suffer now is hard. In silence and prayer we are joined; I walk with him on this final journey.  “At the cross her station keeping, stood the mournful Mother weeping.  Close to Jesus to the last.” (4th Station of the Cross)
Even on the cross He thinks of others.  Knowing my loss would make me inconsolable, He gives John to me and me to John.  I will be mother to the entire human race, to continue his work of making the Father known to all.
For the last time I will wrap my arms around his lifeless body, yet believing in three days He will rise again.  In his death lies the promise of life; in His Death and Resurrection lies our redemption.  Death is healing; I understand; I believe.  Jesus, my Son, I love you.
“Give your hearts to my Son, all emptied, thirsting, and turned solely toward him, wholly unoccupied with yourself.  You have met him many times, but you did not know it, because your anxieties, and thoughts were not concerned with this unique love.  Oh, how sad it is for my Son to seek with so great a desire a loving look from one who remains distracted, dreaming, or even laughing with the foolishness and dissipation of the world.”  Mother Marie des Douleurs

Judas’ Hour of Betrayal
My interior voice resounds with my own importance; my own knowledge is superior as to what the Messiah is to be.  I am responsible for the money; money is power and surely Jesus must realize he is to overthrow the dominance of Rome so Israel can prosper.  I will have a key role in governing then; worldly glory, power, riches, fame will be mine.  He has done other than what I expect; I have used so much of my energy defending my position here.  What does Jesus mean to need him in our hour of sorrow?  Bah on mercy and forgiveness; Rome is not going to fall for that outlook.  My pride too will not fall for that steel trap.
Today the die is cast.  A woman comes and anoints Jesus with precious oil. Why?  One could feed many people for what she spent on oil.  She must have spent thirty pieces of silver, and for what?  Love she says; I anoint him because he is going to suffer and die for my sins.
No, I will go to the authorities; I will make plans to turn Jesus over to the authorities.  We will see how loving and merciful he is when he is scourged, humiliated, or even killed. Soon we will go to the Passover Feast.  I will be given a seat of honor next to the Master.  He will recline his head on my breast.  I am the perfect actor, perfect hypocrite.  No one will suspect what I have done. “ Surely, it is not I, Rabbi? (Mt26:25)   
Well maybe Jesus will know of my betrayal- he always seems to know the desires of the heart. It will be dark, and there should be little light to highlight my misdeeds.  Let us see if he is a light to the world.
I will accept his morsel of bread as his friend, his companion, not realizing all this is in God’s plan. It was prophesized, “Even my bosom friend in whom I trusted, who ate my bread has lifted his heel against me. (Ps41:9)
Again and again Jesus offers me his love and mercy.  I justify my reasoning; I will offer Jesus to the authorities.  “The man I shall kiss is the one.” (Mt26:47-50)   A kiss, a sign of affection, has turned into a sign of betrayal. 
I have chosen my path.  My hour does not end well for me; I cannot acknowledge my sinfulness; I can only condemn myself.

“Judas is neither a master of evil nor the figure of demoniacal power of darkness but rather a sycophant who bows down before the anonymous changing moods and current fashion.  But it is precisely this anonymous voice that cried, “Away with him!  Crucify him!” (Pope Benedict XVI)

Tuesday, March 24, 2015

Peter’s Hour of the Cross

Around the campfire in the courtyard of Caiaphas I sit. Memories surface with each spark of fire; memories are buzzing like angry gnats. Memories disturb my uneasy being; I am quaking with fear of someone discovering who I am. It is something I also ask myself. Who am I? Is this my hour of suffering? I am thinking of self, not the Master, the one I profess to love. I call to mind the words I uttered not so long ago; “To whom can we turn? You have the words of eternal life.” (Jn 6:68) My faith is wavering; the Master needs to see my presence, to feel my support and my love.

I remember Jesus coming to the boat to speak to the crowd; to urge me to put out the nets for a catch- of men not fish, he said. Are the guards here in the courtyard the men I am to show the Way to Jesus? I have not kept my eye on Jesus; I struggle again as I did on the water to reach him.

Those days were idyllic, simple. It was easy for me to follow Jesus; easy to listen to his words about his Father and him. The boat was on an even keel.

Now the waters are turbulent; I am afraid. I want to stop my ears from hearing his words of truth. “You know me and also know where I am from. Yet I did not come on my own but the one who sent me, who you do not know, is true. I know him because I am from him and he sent me. (Jn 7:28) These are words of blasphemy to some; they are words of truth to believers.

Is my human nature in control of my thoughts and actions? I want the Spirit to revive my broken heart. Who is the real me, the real Peter? Is the real Peter the one who attempted to cut off the ear of the soldier in the garden? Is the real me the one only one who followed Jesus after his arrest, albeit at a distance? Is the real Peter the one who has been given a special task- to lead the flock of believers?

Will Jesus still love me with all my faults? Will he see what is inside me- see what is to be for me? This is my hope. This is why Jesus is before Caiaphas. This is why he shoulders all my faults as he goes up the hill to Calvary. Three times I will deny him- Jesus whom I love. He forgives me; he loves me. With his support, his grace, I can go forth to fulfill the purpose for which I was created.

Strength for the Journey

There is a road meant for you to travel. Narrow and steep is the shepherd’s way, and as you say, “Yes,” letting me guide you, I will be strength for the journey.

I will be, I will be, I will be strength for the journey . (Repeat chorus.)

There is a cross meant for you to carry. There is a cross meant for you alone, and as you bow down in humble surrender, I will be strength for the journey. Chorus

How many times have you doubted my word? How many times must I call your name? And as you say, “Yes,” letting me love you, I will be strength for the journey.

I will be, I will be, I will be strength for the journey. I will be, I will be, I will be strength for the journey.

Michael John Poirrier
“Lifting up” Moses, Jesus and Man
“Moses lifted the serpent in the desert, so must the Son of Man be lifted up, so that everyone who believes may have eternal life.” (Jn3:14-15)
The initiative for both Moses and Jesus in “lifting up” comes from God; God gave both men power to restore life to another. The initiative, the power, was generated by God’s love for man.  God himself is love; love is given over to another.
Moses’ lifting up has time restraints for man.  Jesus by His “lifting up” on the cross gives away power to man.  Man is given eternal life- the very life of God himself.  God’s love for man is from all time until all time.  Christ’s lifting up on the cross is the most visible expression of God’s love for man.  “And this is eternal life: that they may know you, the only true God and Jesus Christ whom you have sent.” (Jn17:3)
Jesus’ power, Jesus’ love is one with God- real power, real love- love becoming powerful, encompassing heaven, earth, time, and eternity.  The power, the love, pours forth from the roots of the cross to lift man up from sin so man may believe and have eternal life.

Christ being lifted up on the cross is the radical gift of himself- the ultimate surrender in which nothing is held back- a total giving of self- the total self-giving face of God.  It is not a passive role; Christ does not merely bear with man; Christ identifies himself with man so that our sins belong to him and his entire being belong to us.  He accepts man and lifts man up so that man can be active with his support in continuing the love and work which he has shown on earth.  Then Christ is lifted up in His glory!
Jesus Cleanses the Temple
Whenever a national event is televised, journalists and psychologists look for the precipitating event- an event which precedes and greatly motivates an action.  Matthew, Mark and Luke would have concluded driving out the money changers in the temple was the precipitating event of the Passion and Death of Jesus.  When money is taken away, when men are humiliated, men become angry and seek revenge.  It is the way of the world.  Jewish authorities probe Jesus for a sign of His authority.  His zeal they could not understand.  After all, this was only an area where Gentiles could come to pray.  Ah, human nature!  If one wants to deter another- to say they have no standing, selling animals in their sacred space is a way to discourage them.  Yes, Jesus is angry- not a passing human emotion, but a passion to set things right.  His Father’s sacred place has become a mall where merchandise is exchanged, where love has no meaning.
John’s Gospel is the gospel of the Messiah- the gospel where one searches deeper to find truth.  John’s Gospel places the cleansing of the temple at the beginning of Christ’s ministry.  Probably Jesus attended the Passover in Jerusalem more than once; he was a devout Jew.  The event could be the precipitating event for the disciples understanding the meaning of Messiah.  His zeal is for His Father’s temple- the place He is to be found for Jews in the Old Testament; He is the Messiah; His zeal is that of the Messiah who is love for all men- both Jew and His cleansing is of the sin of human corruption- avarice, disrespect, hate. The temple He cleanses is man built; the Temple of His sacred Body is the one that will arise from the dead on the third day- the greatest event in human history.  It is the event the world will remember, whereby death leads to eternal life.  It is the event where man is able to become the living temple of the Lord.
Fallen human nature is cleansed to become a new creation-the temple of man’s heart is the place where God’s heart is; the zeal is the fire of the Holy Spirit entering and enlarging the heart of man, so man may be open to receiving God.  Now the heart can hear His words, know His love and both Jew and Gentile live in the peace of God.

No longer slaves to Egypt, no longer slaves to money, division, no more sacrifice of sheep and oxen, Christ the Messiah has entered the temple of the world to become the new Jerusalem, the new perfet high priest, and man is given the Word of Life.  To Him do all men come to pray, to have sins washed away, to have hearts become hearts of love whereby He might dwell, for man to continue the work He has shown to man.

Wednesday, February 25, 2015

The Transfiguration of Jesus

To Peter, James and John going up the mountain to pray with Jesus resulting in the transfiguration of Jesus, is a kaleidoscope; snapshots of past, present and future images, flowing before their eyes. Their strong exposure to God begins quietly, prayerfully; it is their journey of faith upward on the mountainous journey toward highest faith, love, and communion. Images implode their human minds; reflection will be needed to assimilate the experience. Seeing their rabbi, teacher, human friend, Jesus luminous; radiating light from within, shining so brightly, engage their senses. There is no haze, no dust mites to distort the image-only clear, crisp unbelievably bright light. It is true- human and divine natures intersect within Jesus.

The Apostles are exhilarated, joyful, and fearful of the magnificent vision. It is an Abraham moment of faith. The experience rises with love from their very depth, their heart and souls as they “see,” witness, Jesus in new light. They stop in their tracks, fall to their knees as God’s glory, the Source of light, permeate their bodies. Truth and love merge. Reality is changed before their eyes.

The image of the first Adam before the fall is called from their memory. First man, Adam, his light, the bright clothing over his body, is now Jesus, the new Adam. The Apostles look forward to the powerful light of their bodies after earthly death as they rise upward in praise of the Father.

Moses and Elijah are with Jesus; they are the Law and the Messianic prophet of the Old Testament. Jesus is the fulfillment of the Old Testament. Jesus as Savior- His authority, His mission, is heard by the Apostles. This is the Son of Man going forth in His glory to His Passion, Death and Resurrection. The true Messiah has come to earth and His mission will end in glory- glory given by the Father to His Son. The cross and the glory are intertwined by Christ’s love for man; the Messiah triumphs over sin, evil and death and Jesus is given the light of glory by God, His Father.

God speaks to the Apostles who will witness, give testimony to Jesus as Son of God with God’s authority and God’s words. God acknowledges His Son by His “sign” of luminous light. Listen, He commands; listen to His words of truth and life. Listen to His love for all men; listen to His obedience to the Father. Listen man, have your heart transformed- become the man I created you to be when I created Adam; become your full potential. Listen to the command Jesus gives- Love the Lord; love one another. (Matt22:36-40)

Is it any wonder Peter wanted to build tents here on the mountain where Jesus is transfigured into light? Let us remember this true Festival of Tabernacles; let us honor the Exodus whereby God leads His people out of the Egypt of their sin. Tents of material could never hold Jesus’ supernatural light; only man’s heart could receive the light of love and then pour love out for others; love returning to Love ten-fold- the true sacrifice for man’s sin.

How can we receive the vision of Christ’s Transfiguration? How can we overcome the “clouding of the image of God” in today’s world? We can only look inside ourselves, desire and beg Him for His mercy and love to see the true light which Jesus brings to us.
“This is the time of fulfillment. The Kingdom of God is at hand. Repent and believe in the gospel.” (Mk1:15)
Wild beasts of evil and sin roam the world today as in earlier times. Evil is not an illusion; God is not superfluous, and man cannot be indifferent. Man is not in control of the earth, himself. Man is not God, no matter how much he sacrifices himself to the reasoning of the wild beasts of the world. Only God is creator; only God can control the floods of destruction. Only God has made a covenant with man through Noah and others; only God has promised man to send One who will enable man to overcome the wild beasts- even the wild beasts within man.

God sent His Son- the One He loves, the One who loves us- the One who showed His love on Good Friday and who rose from the dead on Easter Sunday. He did this once, for all men, for all time. We remember, we love, we imitate.

Lent is a preparation, an arming of ourselves, a Christian “boot camp”, if you will. Lent is forty days of preparation as Christ prepared for His mission of love and redemption for the world.

John and Jesus call sinners to “repent and believe”. Repent is to leave behind something and move toward Someone. Lent is time to leave behind old ways of destruction, old self-attachments -to “die to self” and to live in Christ. It is time to overcome apathy, discouragement, pretension of self-sufficiency and let God enter one’s heart. Now is the time to look carefully inside oneself- to unite one’s body and soul, mind and heart into a living love – to refocus one’s life.

Now is the time to reflect and ask oneself:

What temptations are most prevalent in me?

In what way have I hurt others and God?

What are the gods in my life?

Repentance involves making a decision:

With whom do I want my heart to stay?

Now is the time to make a proactive stance that will allow one to grow closer to Christ. It should not be viewed as a problem to solve, rather, “How can my actions be pleasing to God? How can my prayers, charity open hearts to Christ?” Only when I am submissive to Him, can I beg for God’s help and mercy.

Lent is the time of fulfillment for man’s response to God’s love.

Saturday, February 7, 2015

“He APPROACHED, GRASPED her hand and HELPED her up. Then the fever LEFT her and she WAITED on them.” (Mark1:31)

Jesus has had a busy day- teaching in the synagogue, expelling unclean spirits, speaking to the crowds. Now his human nature requires rest, aloneness with his disciples when he may want to alone with his Father. There is no rest for Jesus; his time on earth is limited and he has much to do.

Jesus and his disciples go to Peter’s house where Peter’s mother-in law lies ill. Jesus goes to her, extending his hand with power and love. Here is a God who can touch one. Touching, one is able to see, to wonder, to be amazed, to become open. Here is a new reality. God is present among his people- active in their lives with the sound of his voice and the touch of his hand. God is personally coming, entering and going through doors that have been closed- summoning, interacting, granting great favor.

Man too participates. (“She waited on them”.) Reserves of energy surface; she is fully there, fully seen. Love begets love; active love begets love to another, to put their needs before one’s own need. It does no longer matter if one is sick, weak; there is always work one can do. To choose means owning the decision.

One remembers Simeon, who in his old age carries the precious Jesus to the Tabernacle altar; his gift to God. His small actions show his love, wonder. Touch, one always remembers- our parents grasping our small fingers, tender and strong at the same time; the final touch given a loved one bringing closure.

Work is “thank you” and praise. Work is being fruitful in the manner He wishes for one, at this moment in time. It is Peter’s mo ther-in law calling. It is our calling, our purpose now.

Saturday, January 31, 2015

"What have you to do with us?" (Markl:24)

Sickness was a visible sign of sin in the Old Testament, a sickness without a remedy. Men who were sick were ostracized, could not be touched by good Jews. Sin or sickness could be found anywhere- in the synagogue with the man with unclean spirits or with anyone- Elizabeth, the mother of John the Baptist, who was barren until old age. (Lukel:7) The perceived source of illness or sin was God's might or anger. Psalm 38 says in part: "Through your anger all my body is sin; through my sin there is no health in my body." The Law helped man to be righteous, to avoid sin or sickness. Sacrifice of calves and bulls were offered to God by the priests of the Law. Long incantations by seers were said over the sinner with sickness. These were insufficient.

Jesus changes everything. He sought out sinners; those with physical ailments sought him out, hoping for a cure. Jesus connected faith in Him and His Word to cure the sick; He not only cured them of their physical ailments, He cured them of the sins of their souls. The conscience of the law of their hearts replaced the outward law of the Pharisees. The law of love and mercy replaced the law of might "of the hand of God." The hand stretched out on the cross, the true power of God, was stronger than the judicial law of the Torah given to Moses. The Word spoken to Abraham through a cloud is now spoken with "authority" by the Son of God in person.

Man plays an active, participatory role in the drama of meeting with Jesus. Drama it is in its tension; sin and sinner meet Christ's love and power. Man recognizes Jesus; even the unclean spirit acknowledges Jesus as "the Holy One of God." "From the power of Christ, the devil convulses out of man." (Mkl:27) Jesus speaks from His own authority- the author of the Torah given to Moses. His word is His might. And everything changes. The Son of God is here with us.
“Quiet! Come out of him! (Mark1:25)

Temptation is always personal- designed by the evil one to attack our weaknesses. He attacks subtly, by suggestion that triggers our quick response toward wrongdoing. Temptation, the sorcerer, he is. It is like he has a magic key to the trunk where each one’s vulnerabilities are hidden. He knows just how to slip the key into the lock and then release one’s secret vices.

Man must know his weaknesses, the area where he is most vulnerable, then honestly acknowledge that which takes him away from Christ and His goodness. Understanding himself, man must humbly admit that by himself he is helpless in overcoming evil. Man’s will alone is insufficient, is not enough. Man must lean on Christ, the One who has shown man the Way, must put himself into “the hand of God”, into the shelter of His arms. Christ, who himself suffered and overcome every evil, the One who overpowered even death, He is our refuge.

Self-understanding begs for mercy; mercy from “the one who speaks with authority.” (Mk1:27) Christ is the one “who commands even the unclean spirits and they obey him.”(Mk1:27) His words are our power and strength. His words separate the evil one from us; His words forgive man of his sins. Christ’s words assuage our heart. Man must listen to Christ’s words. Christ is mercy that springs from love, supernatural love that is more powerful than evil, extraordinary love shown so openly on the cross. It is His love which gives man rest, peace and the power to overcome temptation, if we but ask and listen. To Him our voices are raised in adoration.

Monday, January 19, 2015

“What are you looking for?” (Jn1:37)

John the Baptist prepares the people with repentance and baptism of water. Andrew and another disciple are shown Jesus by John as “the Lamb of God”. They follow Jesus and He asks this question of them: “What are you looking for?” It is the same question Jesus asks of us. It is the same question all men must answer: what or who are you seeking?

Andrew was looking for “Rabbi” which translated means “Teacher.” ( Jn1:38 ) Immediately Andrew and the other disciple follow Jesus, learning “where he stayed” and who he was. Until one stays with someone, Someone is not known. Words are replaced with actions; the words seen by the world are replaced by actions shown in the privacy of one’s home. Brides and “brides of Christ” understand this axiom.

Andrew tells Peter, “We have found the Messiah” which is translated Christ.” ( Jn 1:41 ) Seeking a Teacher, they found the Word of God.

By their personal encounter with Jesus, Andrew and the other disciple met Jesus and followed immediately the One they had been seeking. They knew Peter, Andrew’s brother too had been seeking the Messiah. They brought Peter to Jesus who changed his name and a new role in accordance with God’s plan of salvation. Conversion brings change and choices.

Andrew, Peter and the other disciple could have answered, ”We are seeking more fish, more freedom, more immorality, more ease.” Each one has choices and Christ gives us the freedom to choose: to search for transitory things or to live for eternal life.

Faith is always a path; sometimes the longest, more crooked path is the one to within oneself, the one to our own heart and soul. Yet Christ is constantly calling us; we only have to have ears to hear and someone to tell us his Good News. We may be like Samuel, called four times in the night by God to begin his faith journey. We may have someone point the way to us like John the Baptist, or by a family member as Andrew did to his brother Peter. Then, we like Samuel can say, ”Speak Lord, for your servant is listening.”(1Sam3:9) We have been prepared and are now ready to go forth and learn the heart and message of Jesus; “to stay with Him”. Our faith journey has begun; new and glorious changes are in our future.

Friday, January 16, 2015

“The Lord was baptized not to be cleansed himself,
but to cleanse the waters,
so that those waters,
cleansed by the flesh of Christ,
which knew no sin,
might have the power of Baptism.
St Ambrose

Friday, January 9, 2015

“On coming up out of the water, he saw the heavens being torn open and the Spirit, like a dove, descending upon him.” (Mk1:10)

Having celebrated Jesus’ birth, the Church moves to Christ’s baptism. We see Jesus born with love for man becoming human; he now submits himself to another, John: moving man toward His Father. He, who is without sin, is immersing himself into man’s sinfulness, and bringing man up to new life with the Father.

For Christ, his love for man and his desire for man to be united to the Father are never absent. He knows he will draw himself into death and will rise again to bring new life to man. He shares man’s lot and brings new meaning of life to man. Nothing is spared; all is given; love has no boundaries. He goes to extreme measures, giving His entire being to bring man above the waters to heaven, to unity with Love itself.

The heavens are opened to man. His baptism cleanses man from inglorious original sin. It is a new beginning, a new opportunity, a new sense of renewal, a new way for the Spirit to enter man’s heart: to begin man’s journey upward toward the Father.

“Where is the newborn king of the Jews? We saw his star at its rising and have come to do him homage.” (Lk2:2

If Simeon and Anna represent Israel and their longing for God to reenter the temple, the Magi represent the Gentiles seeking God through the stars and planets. Simeon and Anna are the chosen people of God, His special people. The Magi use reason, astrology, intuition, in their search for God; by themselves they are unable to find “the newborn king of the Jews.”

Epiphany means to appear to people, all others beside Israel. Israel had a long tradition of God speaking to His chosen people. With the Law, Covenants, Prophets, Patriarchs, God had told Israel of Himself- His heart, mind and will. He had resided in their temple; sacrifice was offered to Him there. He was expected to come again to Israel.

Now He comes in their midst- the new temple, the new law, the new priest, the new sacrifice, to once more make man right with God- to make every man right with God. God and man meet in a personal relationship and through a Person, in fulfillment of all the tenets God had given Israel. The nation was to be a light for the world. Only through understanding the religious history could it be said where He could be found. Christ is the fulfillment of Israel’s hope; He is found only through the faith and hope God had given Israel. The Magi reveal the one who is the newborn king to the Gentile world.

The baby, Jesus, is the manifestation of God; God who is Love. It is He to whom “they prostrated themselves and gave him homage.” To the king they give gifts; signs of kingship, suffering, burial, which is to come. The darkness of night has been lit by the Star of Bethlehem, so all men might adore Him and be a light to the world, leading man to his eternal home by another way.