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Monday, December 1, 2014

A Woman of Samaria came to draw water…(Jn4 :7-30)

Everyone is the woman at the well in our journey to find Christ and the love He offers us.
She comes seeking water; water so necessary for life; she comes using all her senses, her intellect,  her will.  Before meeting Christ, she thinks she must use the things of the world: jugs, husbands, money, to find the water for which she thirsts.  It is not to be found there
To find the Source of the water sitting next to her at the well is unexpected, surprising- a person whom her world calls, ”different”.   However, she is open to finding this “living water”, water for all seasons, for all times, water which will always refresh.  She is hopeful.
She begins cautiously,” Sir”, respectfully questioning, desiring to see truth, the truth of this living, everlasting water.  She wonders, perhaps he is a prophet, he knows her innermost self; he knows but does not turn away from a sinner. He invites, he asks, daresay he begs her to join him with his eternal water.  His love gives her hope.

Little by little her faith increases, dare she hope he is the messiah, the one so long awaited.  His words prompt her to move forward in faith as He speaks the truth which she now knows deep in her heart.  Leaving behind the jug, the symbol of the things of the world, she hastens to tell others of this One who has living, everlasting water, reaching to heaven.
And so we begin this journey to find, to live, to tell others of the living water

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