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Sunday, December 7, 2014

 All life is a Journey

While life is a physical journey, it is also a spiritual journey, a pilgrimage with other pilgrims. As followers of Christ, we welcome each step as it becomes an act of faith, and hope. Each step with our Shepherd necessitates a compulsion to know, to understand, what it means to follow His will. It requires one to slow down… to think…to write…to relearn… to leave behind some preconceived ideas, habits… to seek guidance, maybe even rescue… to change in order to become Christ’s disciples, not just followers. As we begin, becoming, being a path toward Someone, He transforms us into strong, vocal, living disciples of Christ.

Even loved ones may question us. Are you crazy? Are you sick? Laughter comes from another. To continue this quest for a lifetime, enduring hardships, loneliness, is possible because He is with us. He is the heavenly light guiding, strengthening us.
All journeys have an end, a final resting place. As a disciple of Christ, our destination, our everlasting dwelling, our homebound place will contain us and all we have become, united with Love.

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