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Monday, December 22, 2014

Jesus Christ, coming to earth as part of God's plan put us on a quest, a journey, a pilgrimage, back to God. It is a journey foretold in Deuteronomy1:32-33, "The Lord your God...journeys before you to find While life is a physical journey, it is also a spiritual journey, a pilgrimage with other pilgrims. Our spiritual journey begins inward toward our heart, looking at ourselves and that Someone we desire. It soon extends outward as we grow, to others, to our environment, to the relationship of man and creation, to our part in the whole of God's creation.

Moving on the journey we call life, disciples of Christ welcome each step as it becomes an act of faith and hope. Each step with our loving Shepherd necessitates a compulsion to know how to walk in His perfect will, the path He has chosen for each of us. He has said it is our work to make all people, all creation work in harmony, "Thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven."

It requires us to slow down. To think. To write. To relearn. To leave behind some preconceived ideas, some habits. To seek guidance, maybe even rescue. To change. To wait for His answer. To become the work of His making.

Some, even our loved ones, may question us. Are you crazy? Laughter from another.

To do this for a lifetime, enduring hardships, loneliness, moving toward a sunrise of heavenly light is possible. It is possible only because we are sustained with Living Bread and Wine.

Every journey has an end, a final resting place. As disciples of Christ, our destination, our everlasting dwelling, our paradise, will contain us and all that we have become, united with Love.

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