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Wednesday, December 17, 2014


Wheat, grown for man’s use; wheat, the basis for bread; wheat, stored for future use…

Wealth, made by man’s sweat for man’s use; wealth, the basis for consumption; wealth, kept for future use…

Weeds, the basis for disharmony in the garden of life; weeds, sown by capricious wind and tossed about by birds; weeds, entangling itself into man’s efforts for future goodness and growth…

Sin, brought about by Adam’s pride; sin, the basis for man’s departure from God; sin, determining man’s future resting place…..

The world is the field where the seed of the word of God is sown.  It is sown by the Son of Man into man’s heart and mind- good seed for good wheat, f or good bread, for good use.    Wheat is the good food, grown through the light and benevolence of the Creator.  Sin, the weeds of the devil, comes in the darkness of night when we are lax; a parasite living on another.    Sin disguises itself so cleverly that man has trouble distinguishing sin from good and thus, man’s re action become the basis for his future deeds.  Wealth too, grown by man can be good, depending on how it is grown, how it is distributed, how man uses it for future good.  The dividing line between good and evil runs through each human heart; only by the fruit can man’s true heart be known.  God alone knows the human heart.  He knows what we are capable of doing, how we may be misled without even being conscious of the wrong we do. (Jn2:24-25)  We hope and rely on His justice and His mercy.
Some lessons to be learned from the parable:

There is both good and evil in the world.

Sometimes it is impossible to tell one from another for a time.

Therefore one must be on guard about our own behavior.

One cannot be so quick to judge; one must wait for the harvest, the end time.

Christ is both sower and harvester of love.

Man must be watered in the seeds of love.

Judgment will come; it will come from God alone.

His judgment will decide our final resting place.

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